
Manager may be sabotaging attempts to leave

So, for some context. Starting in January of 2022 my previous manager was laid off and my new manager, who we'll call Gary, took over. Sinde then, my life at the job has been hell. I've had responsibilities I used to have taken away with no reason, been relegated to just answering phone calls, I work at an IT service desk, but I used to be able to stay off the phones and work tickets or help train or coach newer techs. I started looking for work elsewhere in the company, trying to get into one of the 2nd level teams, but every attempt ended in an interview and then the job going to someone else. I ended up getting really bad burnout, and in November of last year after my 9th failed attempt to get out of my job, I was suicidal and fell into a deep depression. When…


The amount of expected unpaid work during the job searching process is crazy

Rant time. Plz don’t destroy me lol No, I’m not taking your 30 minute ‘self interview’ that nobody will even view No, I’m not taking 3 20 minute assessments that again most likely won’t result in an interview I’m not giving literally any of my time past filling out the basic application without the express interest of a hiring manager in myself as a candidate for that position. I’ve applied to between 100-200 jobs, with very little luck. But imagine if every single position expected 30-90 minutes out of me for fucking nothing. That’s WEEKS worth of labor I’m giving just to save them basic screening time. Shit should be illegal lmao


Does Being Salaried Employee Mean You Have No Limit on Amount of Hours Worked?

I am a budget analyst for a decent size medical group in the North East. I have been at this job since Oct 2022 and my team consists of myself and my manager. During the interview process my now manager warned that there would certain months where the hours and work load would be more intense than normal months. She also asked me what my goals and aspirations were in my career and life. I explained to her that my wife and I were getting ready to start a family and I wanted to be apart of a stable organization. Fast forward to now and I am approaching my first full year with the company and my wife is due to give birth at the end of Aug. I have had many sit downs with my manager since I started and every single time she tells me i need to…


Religion as a pacifier for wage slavery?

What is your opinion on religion's roll in our acceptance of poor working conditions and spending most of our waking life doing menial jobs? One thing that sticks out to me as a common theme is that “suffering will be rewarded”. Sounds like something an employer would say to get their employees motivated in the absence of any meaningful compensation.


work to live, not live to work


UPS walked from contract negotiations with the Teamsters union yesterday… 340,000 UPS workers now set to stop work on August 1st, with 97% voting yes on union authorization to strike!

This would be the biggest single employer strike in American history… which will impact the entire American supply chain and labor movement. I suggest we all be talking to friends and family about this- anyone you know related to a union or working in a union should be talking and building solidarity. This is how workers gain improved conditions… this is how Amazon warehouse workers can see wages and conditions approved, like fair wages when corporations are making billions of dollars, no forced overtime, appropriate sick leave, and safe working conditions. Find a strike solidarity group now and plan to support this work come August 1st, whether it's joining picket, bringing water or food, or just spreading awareness of this struggle.


Utterly embarrassed…

So I started a job a few months ago. All gung ho to finally have health insurance. Welp fast forward to this week when my first payment came out of my check I was SHOCKED. Almost $100 gone from my check on top of the almost $200 already taken out for taxes.. I was depressed all night last night. I cannot afford to lose $400 a month. I had to call my boss this morning and get in contact with HR to see if we can cancel and I'll enroll in a later date. I'm so devastated and completely embarrassed. I feel like a complete failure. I don't even know what to do with myself anymore. I honestly feel like everything right now is designed to make you fail…


Never asked for a rise before…

25M, Electrical Engineer, i landed on my current job by a friend of my grandmother. Since it was my first experience doing what i've studied, i wasn't expecting a huge salary, nor too much responsability, just learning and gaining experience as much as i could. Long story short, now i'm part of a team doing the all the planning and execution on the field. I work from 8:30 to 18:30 (45h a week) but in reality i could easily do 50+ hours a week. I don't earn from those extra hours and the responsability went to the rooft. They trust in my job, and i feel good here, i don't wanna quit. Also they are sopportive about my mental health and they give me spaces, time and all that i need. But… i earn to little. Not going into details because salaries are too far from what you guys earn…


Just started this job and already hate it.

In the interview they made it seem like I'd be learning cad and 3d printing on a very strict training session. Told me they could only start 16 because of training involved. It's day 2 I'm by myself bored as hell and doing all the work. Should I start looking elsewhere?


Write-Up’s with no concrete proof

Sorry if this isn’t the appropriate sub for this but I was just curious if anyone else has gone through this and what your outcome was. I’ve been “promised” for over a year that my specific job position will be moving to fully WFH. For some background I work in healthcare. I drive over an hour commute total every day just to log into a virtual system (Citrix) and I use Microsoft Teams from my phone. I have essentially 0 contact with anyone else in the office on a daily basis. I have been conveniently written up every six months for the last year (x2 times total so far) as I have been reaching the time I could start WFH (no write up’s in the past 6 months to be eligible). This most recent time my office manager wrote me up for something that I may or may not have…