Serious question, I get recommended this subreddit a lot but I never understood the idea behind it. I understand if someone would be the idea of working to barely be able to survive, I'm not a fan myself either, but what is the alternative exactly according to you? Is it a political/economical no movement that you wanna change the system or society? Or is it a personal movement like FIRE movement (financial independence retire early)? Any help would be appreciated.
Month: July 2023
Basically, title. Last Friday, the unemployment office called me asking for info on why I was fired (it was due to a poor choice of words, there was no conduct policy). I explained to the state exactly what transpired. Long and short, I said something stupid, and 3 days later after calling this coworker out for being checked out on the clock he decided he was offended by what I said. When my manager called me that Sunday to tell me I was 86ed, I begged for a chance to come in and explain myself. I was able to do that, and I walked away from that meeting feeling like I’d be getting my job back. The next day, I received an email with my termination of insurance. No one ever officially told me that I was fired I only received the forwarded email about termination of insurance. When I…
Thoughts on Mandatory OT?
Boss asks me if I'm coming in Saturday and Sunday like they weren't the ones who tagged mandatory on the front of them. Feels like forcing employees to work more than full time should be considered illegal to me, but I want to hear other's thoughts on it.
They say that we're “in the contract” to keep our jobs with the new owners but I have my doubts. I understand the wanting to sell. I'm incredibly hurt that they would lie multiple times when asked and keep it a secret. I stupidly thought we were actually friends, that's why I worked so incredibly hard for so long.
I finally slayed the dragon
I’ve worked at the job I’m currently at (grocery) since last year in March. Since the very first day I’ve had this awful co worker (let’s call her D). She is the most rude, racist, disrespectful, and entitled person I’ve ever known. She’s had so many complaints against her it’s not even funny. I got her fired yesterday and it was like there was a weight lifted off the whole store. Last Thursday 6/29 I was getting ready to count out my till and give my manager D my pickup of big bills. She walks up to me and says (Have you had to buy new clothes? Because since you started working here you’ve gained a lotttt of weight”, she laughed after she said this. I got so upset with her I was telling her that’s not right to say to anyone and how disrespectful and disgusting it was for…
First time I’ve ever seen one of this outlandish job postings in the wild
Looking back at the last decade for any young person to survive we will need a new way of making jobs work. If the Gen Alpha is to succeed we need universities to only allow degrees of high economic value such as Law, Medical, STEM, and others like Business to flourish and no longer offer courses on EVERYTHING possible. If you then add back in the Trades there will need to be a reconstruction of non-economically viable jobs. I propose that every other job that requires a degree that is NOT CURRENTLY NOR FUTURE economically viable hould just become an apprenticeship at this point. From cook/baker, to women’s studies, to archeology. Each should be apprenticeships at this point for our generation to survive… It is an outlandish and harsh theory but it may be the only way.
Does anybody relate to my pinnacle?
I work at a grocery store with a To-Go department. I’m on the schedule for 30 hours a week. We get about 2 orders an hour, sometimes every other hour. So that leaves me with hours of free time during my shift. I try to do as much as I can throughout the store with helping other departments but when it comes down to it, they all have their own tasks in the department and reject my help. Even with the things that everyone says they “always need people for” like bagging, stocking, cleaning, etc. I can never find anything to do during my shift and due to the low order volume, I end up leaving hours early. I am very open with some managers about the fact that there’s no work to be done and I feel useless. Some of the other managers come by and tell me I…
An iPod shuffle…