
Heat exhaustion


Bosses Jeopardizing me

I work in a company where my supervisor (let's call him Peter) is not my lead. They lend me as a resource to another lead, let's call him Jack. Jack does not belong to the field and was promoted just because he loves warming his chair. He is a narcisst egoistic racist person. He threatened me multiple times. Doesn't follow safety procedures as per standards and he is super reckless and promotes favourism. He even tried to forbid me from eating my salad on my desk. I went to my supervisor Peter after being bullied so much, and told him I need to shift from where I am to another team. It turns out Peter was threatened by me and my knowledge, he even put me with Jack in same room so I can suffer and leave. They never let me handle any new bid or client meetings. I have…


Company stole 98% of my commissions

I work in Saas sales as a sales assistant and I'm commissioned 20% on a contract. Since I work on the French market, everything is in Euro but I'm from another country and working remote. So, a client signs a 1500€ contract and 20% of that is mine, that is, 300€ which means 15,000 Units(I won't put currency to not give away location) since 1€ = 50units of my country's currency. Earning 15,000units would mean about half my salary. Now the commission slip comes and it is written 20% commission as 300units from my country's currency instead of 300€. I thought there was a mistake but no. Instead of doing the conversion of 1€=50units they took 1500€ and converted it to 1500units. They gave me the bullshit reason that standard of life is not the same this is why they counted it as 1€=1 unit. I find it unfair because…


Drew this at my customer service job with their own office supplies.

They want us to “engage the guests”. I’m not the most sociable person. What am I doing with my life? ._.


I don’t know how much longer I can do this.

I am 32. I work at a luxury retail store. I am stuck in a cycle. When I start a new job, I am happy, have a positive outlook, I am motivated, I have hope for the future. But then the cracks begin to show. I become passionate about the job. I don’t come to work to make friends, still I try to get along with everyone and not be a miserable partner. I try to do my job well, from the tasks to the interpersonal relationships. But the cracks begin to show. I love my coworkers. I always think they are exceptionally smart and too good to be doing what we do. I feel the same for myself. But sometimes I wish they did more to contribute to our collective success. I am frustrated by their lack of respect and callous disregard for how hard I try to work…


This is a peculiar way to try to acquire talent.


Executive throws food at a subordinate in a marketing video

Oh wow – skip to 12:10 and watch the president of the company throw food at their creative director. Is this completely disrespectful and demeaning or am I reading too much into it? Calls them “A-Holes” at 1:23 Tells them to “Go fuck yourself” at 1:41 This is the president of the company? Wow. What is happening here?


My shortest job experience

So I began this job not long ago in a certain road construction field and recently we’ve been having extreme heat, over 40 degrees celsius with humidity and I had to do a 13 hour shift, standing in the sun without shade. Another employee came to replace me for 30 minutes in the morning so I could cool off a bit, which was nice. Three hours passed and I mentioned I was gonna need a small break from the sun soon, and despite drinking lots of water and eating I was getting pretty weak from the heat but no one was available to take my place. It was around 1 pm, when the temperature was starting to peak. I had to ask again and only then did someone show up (not even from the same company) cause at this point I felt like I was about to pass out.. only…


Shitty Bosses

So, ever since the first day I walked in and met the guy, he's been condescending, belittling, talks down to me, makes me the butt of these little quips or jokes (that feel fairly mean-spirited), so from the beginning, this guy has made me feel like shit and seemed to be doing it on purpose. I work security, and we've recently gone from unarmed to armed (under some sketchy circumstances and procedures), and the day I passed my firing qualification, I asked for clarification (so I don't show up to work with a GUN when I shouldn't have it, or that I don't have it when I should) on when we start carrying, he loses his shit, accuses me of not reading the emails or message board at work (I make a point to do both, my memory is just imperfect) and threatened my job, all because I asked one…


I ragequit my job today

I've been working as an overnight janitor at a hotel for the last six months and it's been a drain, physically and mentally. It would have been more bearable if my boss was not a passive agressive asshat who only communicated with me when they had something to complain about. She never made her demands clear and would prefer passing down orders indirectly, via people who were very bad at communicating it. After tonight, I'm done. I am not capable of forcing myself to carry one more trashbag or cpean an inch of the floor for a bunch of assholes who don't appreciate me. I left my boss a short and sweet text: “I quit, good luck”