
How do worker unions in the USA work vs other countries? I.e. are there independent global unions for any line of work?

Genuine question because I am very curious about worker unions in the USA vs worker unions in The Netherlands (and many other countries I imagine): From what I read on Reddit and other social media about workers trying to unionize (some more successful than others), it seems that workers for employer X need to start a union consisting only of workers for that employer. In The Netherlands (and again – I imagine many other countries) we have many independent worker unions for many lines of work, of which you can become a member by just subscribing (and paying a membership fee of course). Even if your particular employer doesn't have a union itself. So my question is this: what is to stop anyone or a group of people from starting an independent worker union for, say, retail workers in general? Does it have to be linked to a specific employer?…


DOMINOS doesn’t have a cross walk in the drive thru that drivers have to cross to get to their car to deliver pizza


Local Marina is hiring

After doing some more research on them, they apparently run a parking scam of sorts as well.


AAA Almost got me killed today

I’ve been on the job for two weeks and have been on the road in training for this entire week. My instructors were either complete dickheads or fucking assholes to me the whole time but I took it because I was making the most money I’ve ever made. Today I finally get a different instructor but this dude’s only been on for 5 months rather than the other veterans who’ve been on for 5+ years and he was honestly pretty alright to me. End of the day starts to roll around and we get a call for a dude with a flat and a spare tire on the interstate. We go to roll up to him and we’re looking by the exit he said he was next to and he wasn’t there. We look to the left shoulder (North America) and sure enough there’s our inbred dipshit right across the…


For those of you who have escaped poverty, how did you do it? Did you have an intentional plan?


My frustrations are negatively effecting my communication.

Without getting into too much detail, I work in a very dysfunctional environment trying to track inventory on behalf of our customers. The problem is the customers never give us accurate inventory and transaction data and none of my client facing coworkers wants to communicate this to them. So we are constantly in a state of garbage in, garbage out. The frustration is getting to me and I have become very blunt in my responses, my manager called me out today being concerned with my tone. To be fair he is completely right, and I am definitely letting my frustrations get the best of me. How do you guys keep your cool when frustrated at work, and any advice on keeping my emails and communications as safe as possible?


Who needs money when you have room and board!


So like… Just wow.


Co worker screams “you stupid fucking bitch” aggressively in my face in front of boss

and I was told we would talk about it later and to go back to work. I grabbed my things and said that, yes we will talk about it later, and left. I was not working with a hostile co worker until it was handled and she didn’t want to do that. Now I’ve lost shift and no consequence to the screamer. Btw, I’m the THIRD co worker she’s done this to. Boss even has to step between screamer and another person in the past. Now they want a staff meeting. Advice?


Boomers treat service workers like shit.

So basically I am a contractor that does maintenance and repair on McDonald's equipment. I work inside the McDonald's stores and I get to overhear the front counter or drive thru people get treated like shit, and it's invariably baby boomers. Like every single time. Every time there's a simple mistake they fucking throw the biggest tantrum like a fucking baby. I'm sorry y'all have to deal with that. Baby boomers are such over-privileged assholes.