
24/7 for salaried?

If you work an exempt salaried position, how many of you are working 7 days a week on top of pulling all sorts of extended/odd hours? I’ll be up past midnight some nights, then up at 3:30am other days, it’s all over the place. Nobody seems to understand I have to sleep, eat, and take care of life at some point in the midst of all that. They practically seem offended if I’m not available 24/7. Is this normal out there now?

If you work an exempt salaried position, how many of you are working 7 days a week on top of pulling all sorts of extended/odd hours?

I’ll be up past midnight some nights, then up at 3:30am other days, it’s all over the place. Nobody seems to understand I have to sleep, eat, and take care of life at some point in the midst of all that. They practically seem offended if I’m not available 24/7. Is this normal out there now?

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