Got a meeting with manager that my numbers weren't good and needed to increase, else I would not be able to get a contract for unlimited time. This message came 2 months before my contract negotiations would be up.
– Feel like I haven't been managed well, always ask about my numbers and if they are good enough for a contract, always had the answer that everything is good, but… Small fixes here and there, always room for improvement.
– Manager flat out lies to me. During a job shift I was working both days instead of one day, which she denied two times when confronted by it.
– Petty actions like writing me up on silly stuff.
I am looking for a way to cause them as much hurt as possible. Stepping up to HR, the union I am a member of, her supervisor. I also caught signals that she's probably senile / suffering from dementia and cannot handle it all, has a vindictive personality. I want to fo full scorched earth on this one.
How do I proceed?