
$2M Quarterly Profit = $40 Kroger card for Christmas Bonus BAH HUMBUG

I work at a medium sized family owned manufacturing company. We get regular quarterly “bonuses” but our base pay isn't great, so they're basically supplements to our shitty wages. Our Christmas bonus, given during our annual Christmas luncheon, was a $40 grocery store gift card. And at a company meeting earlier that week, a $2M quarterly profit was boasted. Would rather have the regular “bonuses” scrapped for an actual wage increase, and maybe a decent Christmas bonus instead. But they don't wanna give us a wage increase, because the quarterly bonuses are always conditional. Stingy bastards. I would give them all coal.

I work at a medium sized family owned manufacturing company. We get regular quarterly “bonuses” but our base pay isn't great, so they're basically supplements to our shitty wages.

Our Christmas bonus, given during our annual Christmas luncheon, was a $40 grocery store gift card.

And at a company meeting earlier that week, a $2M quarterly profit was boasted.

Would rather have the regular “bonuses” scrapped for an actual wage increase, and maybe a decent Christmas bonus instead.

But they don't wanna give us a wage increase, because the quarterly bonuses are always conditional.

Stingy bastards. I would give them all coal.

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