
3 months ago I was put on a furlough and today I was fired with zero notice.

About three months ago my company put everyone on a furlough cutting our pay fairly substantially. They also fired roughly half the employees at the time. Throughout the three months that followed our company president (ceo is non existent) canceled all but one company wide status update meeting. I voiced my disappointment and frustration quite adamantly to my manager and the president directly, pleading for any indication of the future of the company. I was basically told to quit by the president. Not to mention that during these three months expectations were increased and work load was subsequently increased, I did everything I could do to try and offer up ideas and things we could change or improve upon, though most often these were ignored for the marketing genius of our CEO or COO, who’s ideas got us here… I’m baffled how there could be no indication this was going…

About three months ago my company put everyone on a furlough cutting our pay fairly substantially. They also fired roughly half the employees at the time.

Throughout the three months that followed our company president (ceo is non existent) canceled all but one company wide status update meeting. I voiced my disappointment and frustration quite adamantly to my manager and the president directly, pleading for any indication of the future of the company. I was basically told to quit by the president.

Not to mention that during these three months expectations were increased and work load was subsequently increased, I did everything I could do to try and offer up ideas and things we could change or improve upon, though most often these were ignored for the marketing genius of our CEO or COO, who’s ideas got us here…

I’m baffled how there could be no indication this was going to happen, and how ignorant our company president and overall management were in handling this entire matter. I never once heard from the person that was firing me directly (my whole department got wiped out except for management), and I only received a generic email saying “you’re no longer aligned with the companies goals,” like it was my performance that resulted in the company failing.

All in all I’m very disappointed and basically feel like I will never care about a job again, sure I’ll work, but don’t expect more from me than that. No more over applying myself for assholes who make 3x more than me.

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