
4 day work week is a trap

So my place of work has a 4 day work week. And it's awful! I work ten hour days with the exact same break time. One 30 min lunch and three 10 minute breaks. Not to mention the fact that if you dare to call in sick without sick days more than twice you will be fired. And you can't call in for ANY reason for the first 90 days of being hired or you will be fired. It's exhausting. I'm already looking for a more traditional job. This 4 day work week crap is definitely not better Edit: this is in the United states.

So my place of work has a 4 day work week. And it's awful!
I work ten hour days with the exact same break time. One 30 min lunch and three 10 minute breaks.
Not to mention the fact that if you dare to call in sick without sick days more than twice you will be fired. And you can't call in for ANY reason for the first 90 days of being hired or you will be fired.
It's exhausting. I'm already looking for a more traditional job. This 4 day work week crap is definitely not better

Edit: this is in the United states.

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