
4 people including my manager have quit in the past two weeks.

The place I work at will overwork you until it kills you. And then screw you over when you don't give a two week notice because you're too burnt out to continue. We have been understaffed for years. I can't take doing the job of 4 people anymore. Even my manager quit because they overwork the managers and make them work 70+ hours a week because the manager is salaried and it keeps the labor percentage down. These numbers are literally just numbers on a page to them. But to us, it's our day to day life and we're out here breaking our bodies, and ruining our mental health to make money for rich people who wouldn't even know how to do our job…And it's not like I can go to a place that will treat me like a human because I know every place is going to run a…

The place I work at will overwork you until it kills you. And then screw you over when you don't give a two week notice because you're too burnt out to continue. We have been understaffed for years. I can't take doing the job of 4 people anymore. Even my manager quit because they overwork the managers and make them work 70+ hours a week because the manager is salaried and it keeps the labor percentage down. These numbers are literally just numbers on a page to them. But to us, it's our day to day life and we're out here breaking our bodies, and ruining our mental health to make money for rich people who wouldn't even know how to do our job…And it's not like I can go to a place that will treat me like a human because I know every place is going to run a skeleton crew so they can save rich people money. I'm EXHAUSTED.

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