
401k vs Pension

The company I am employed by in the last 21 years has gone from a full pension to a partial pension to a basically zero pension. We do get a 6% match on 401k deposits from our pay. In the 10 years I've been working for this company where I average roughly 8% deposits, I've accumulated one years salary at this time. The last few years, some close co-workers with this full pension have retired. Listening to how they are managing money with their pension is making me wonder how in the world the rest of us are going to be able to retire 20 to 30 years from now. These companies are saving a boat load of money. Wall Street is getting a never-ending surplus of money. I don't see this ever changing.

The company I am employed by in the last 21 years has gone from a full pension to a partial pension to a basically zero pension. We do get a 6% match on 401k deposits from our pay. In the 10 years I've been working for this company where I average roughly 8% deposits, I've accumulated one years salary at this time.

The last few years, some close co-workers with this full pension have retired. Listening to how they are managing money with their pension is making me wonder how in the world the rest of us are going to be able to retire 20 to 30 years from now.

These companies are saving a boat load of money. Wall Street is getting a never-ending surplus of money. I don't see this ever changing.

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