
4,500 packets to coalate, label, stamp, and send

I am genuinely kind of beside myself. I work for a small company, we only have 6 people including myself, and I am the administrative assistant. At first when I started this job I thought it was going to be great. Everyone seemed super friendly, the job seemed easy enough, etc. However, and I have no idea if I'm the crazy one, the expectations started to get out of hand. I answer the phones, do check batches, send mail, etc. like every other admin assistant. But they started to add things that they wanted to get done, in what seems to me, to be an unreasonable time frame. For instance, we came back from winter break and my boss has a pile of ~3600 pages that she wanted me to coalate and send out by the end of the week(this is just the most recent instance). I don't know if…

I am genuinely kind of beside myself. I work for a small company, we only have 6 people including myself, and I am the administrative assistant. At first when I started this job I thought it was going to be great. Everyone seemed super friendly, the job seemed easy enough, etc.

However, and I have no idea if I'm the crazy one, the expectations started to get out of hand. I answer the phones, do check batches, send mail, etc. like every other admin assistant. But they started to add things that they wanted to get done, in what seems to me, to be an unreasonable time frame.

For instance, we came back from winter break and my boss has a pile of ~3600 pages that she wanted me to coalate and send out by the end of the week(this is just the most recent instance). I don't know if I am the crazy one here, but it just hasn't been possible for me. I have to take the four pages in this packet, coalate them, fold them, put a half page mailer in with this (which my boss originally said she wasn't going to include, but decided halfway into my venture to add) , label the envelopes, run them through our mail machine, and then send them off. The job itself isn't hard, it's just extremely daunting.

My boss and her crony keep saying that I'm doing my job functions too slowly, but I don't even know how I am supposed to go any faster. She could have set the printer to coalate the pages for me, or instead of printing individual labels for the envelopes, she could have done a mail merge and printed the addresses on the envelopes. It took me four days to send out about 3600 of these damn things (which imo should have been an email) and when I was done there were 840 labels leftover. So, I'm starting over again and mailing out another batch of these mailings.

I'm just so tired, I know this is just mail but it's everything that comes along with it. My boss nagging me telling me she's going to “turn up the heat on me” because I'm “not going fast enough”. She's also taken job functions away from me and given them to another one of my coworkers and she makes be feel guilty about that all of the time, I just don't know how to perform to their level and I'm not sure if I ever can.

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