
5 days in and I hate it

I'm a janitor and rage quit my job last June and regretted it almost instantly. Almost a year later I got hired as a temp worker for the city I live in. It took 2 months for my background check to clear so I was super excited to FINALLY start last week.Tonight is only my 5th and I hate it so much I've broken down in tears more than once and dread going back. I have to clean the City Hall Annex building which is three stories of offices, cubicles break rooms, bathrooms etc,plus one floor of another building by myself. It's not possible to do all the work required in a shift. Last night I overheard my coworker and lead talking about me and they consider me lazy because I'm not willing to skip my breaks and stay a half an hour late off the clock to get all…

I'm a janitor and rage quit my job last June and regretted it almost instantly. Almost a year later I got hired as a temp worker for the city I live in.

It took 2 months for my background check to clear so I was super excited to FINALLY start last week.Tonight is only my 5th and I hate it so much I've broken down in tears more than once and dread going back.

I have to clean the City Hall Annex building which is three stories of offices, cubicles break rooms, bathrooms etc,plus one floor of another building by myself. It's not possible to do all the work required in a shift. Last night I overheard my coworker and lead talking about me and they consider me lazy because I'm not willing to skip my breaks and stay a half an hour late off the clock to get all the work done.

I'm a temp so I don't clock in an out. I sign a paper saying I worked 8 hours each day. I told my lead I'll stay as late as need be as long as I'm being paid for it, but I won't work off the clock. She told me I will not be paid for more than 8 hours a day, but everything needs to get done so I'll have to figure it out.

It's my fault that I find myself in this position at 45 yrs old, but I find it beyond depressing that it was that easy to derail my whole life in less than five minutes. I cannot quit this job without having another lined up. It hasn't been long enough to start digging us out of the debt my being unemployed for so long has caused. Fml

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