
500 applications later I learned

Last year, I quit a job where I spent 70% of my salary on fuel and the rest on the lowest priced health insurance because public medicine is a joke here. Companies don't care about why you want the job unless it's licking their backside I quit the job because it was 2 hours drive both ways every day in bumper to bumper traffic. My mental health was shot, and my physical health suffered just as much, so I kept getting sick losing weight and not sleeping. The job itself wasn't stressful it was the 4 hours of my day going to driving and the constant stress of missing a call if someone contacts me to do something at 3 in the morning and I'm asleep like they did often. Since then I've sent out around about 500 applications heard back from a good chunk of them that I wasn't…

Last year, I quit a job where I spent 70% of my salary on fuel and the rest on the lowest priced health insurance because public medicine is a joke here.
Companies don't care about why you want the job unless it's licking their backside

I quit the job because it was 2 hours drive both ways every day in bumper to bumper traffic. My mental health was shot, and my physical health suffered just as much, so I kept getting sick losing weight and not sleeping. The job itself wasn't stressful it was the 4 hours of my day going to driving and the constant stress of missing a call if someone contacts me to do something at 3 in the morning and I'm asleep like they did often.

Since then I've sent out around about 500 applications heard back from a good chunk of them that I wasn't selected but most have gone fully ignored or turned out to be those pyramid scheme jobs and so I've tried reapplying with updated CVS cover letters and several good references who have been contacted by multiple people hell some of these references are close friends who I've done designs logos websites etc for.

All my interviews end one of 3 ways
We'll be in contact with you
I walk out
They say its not a good fit

In the second result us from them wanting to pay me minimum wage knowing how far away I live and how much it would cost me after I asked them and have been assured that they are open to talking about my expected pay at the interview only to be told they cant do that until I've worked for 4 months
The last result is when I ask about working remotely (still a very toxic culture in my country), but these jobs are reserved for people who are 3 to 5 years in the field.

Either I can't afford driving in (includes carpooling, which isn't much cheaper and far less safe). My starting pay barely covers my basic human needs (shelter water electricity food) now I'm spending nearly all of that on fuel to get to the place where I hate being after 2 straight hours of head to head traffic only to work my ass off to again another 2 hours of traffic so I can shit shower eat and sleep for barely enough time before getting up and doing it again.

Or I move into a flat in the more “cost effective” area (Aka a street with several Crack houses) where I still barely have any income that doesn't go towards bullshit and add the constant fear for my life and few valuables.

What I'm saying is I'm fucked if I do fucked of I don't

I'm not getting paid enough to be able to drive but I get to live with family but asking for money or food and fuel evry month or I move out and suffer but can afford to work but not eat yay

Don't tell me people don't want to work people want to work but not for assholes who can't take into account another individuals needs regardless of how desperate they are to fill that position

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