
6 1/2 Months Pregnant ; Moved to New Department. Getting no training and think they’re trying to get me to quit.

I worked at a company for 1 1/2 years. I got promoted twice and am now salary. I worked my ass off the whole time. 60 hour weeks. No one trained me when I got promoted. I had to build the department and learn it all myself. My manager was never around. I've only ever gotten compliments and gotten the highest merit rate out of any salary employee. The 3 managers who worked around me wanted to promote me to manager. However, once I made it aware I was 4+ months pregnant at the time, my manager who was NEVER even near my department came to me and said I was bad at my job and this department needs a real supervisor. He pressured me into going to this other department because I need to learn how to be good at my job. I was told by another manager that…

I worked at a company for 1 1/2 years. I got promoted twice and am now salary. I worked my ass off the whole time. 60 hour weeks. No one trained me when I got promoted. I had to build the department and learn it all myself. My manager was never around. I've only ever gotten compliments and gotten the highest merit rate out of any salary employee. The 3 managers who worked around me wanted to promote me to manager. However, once I made it aware I was 4+ months pregnant at the time, my manager who was NEVER even near my department came to me and said I was bad at my job and this department needs a real supervisor. He pressured me into going to this other department because I need to learn how to be good at my job. I was told by another manager that I will never get promoted if I don't agree and how my manager won't give me a raise at all if I deny.

The manager then told me if I say no he's done with me and to never ask him for anything again. Insinuating I'll never get promoted or get a raise.

Fast forward, 2 months later they still never found a replacement for my other department. So I've been running back and forth trying to do both. I can't learn or understand the new one yet because I have no one training me and so stressed dealing with 2 departments. They let the old supervisor of my new one leave right away without training me. But told me I need to train to 100% whoever takes my old role..

I asked to just stay in my old role because this is crazy and was told no. The 2nd shift supervisor and my new manager are mad at me for not being there ,but there's no replacement for me yet!!! I was working 50+ hours and my doctor limited me to 45. I still worked 48 last week + all the work from home. I have been yelled at so much this past week now. The managers aren't around, I have no one to train me. When I ask for advice or how things work here they tell me 1 thing but when I do it I'm wrong?

I go home every night crying because I've never been so put down and stressed. My old department I did amazing, always got 100% incentive for the month. Now I can only get maybe 25% so I'm making less money now too ($250 less a month). AND I went from being over 5 people to 30.

If I was not 6 months pregnant I would have quit. I built up my last department, killed it. Never got complaints , only compliments. They threw me into a shit show and refuse to help or train. Only yell at me and tell me I'm horrible (for doing the things they told me to!!)

I 100% feel like they are trying to force me to quit.

Do I have any options?
Should I talk to HR? To discuss being pressured into this, no training or help, told to do opposite things every other day, etc.

They refuse to do anything in writing (I do have my 100% incentive and highest merit raise as proof of performance). All the stuff they're yelling at me for is in person. I can't take it anymore, I barely sleep, I'm in constant stress mode. I absolutely dread and hate my job now.

I'm worried about my baby, I barely can take breaks at work anymore. I'll usually work 6 hours before being able to take a 15. On concrete all day running around. Surely the amount of stress and lack of sleep isn't good. I feel like having a mental breakdown. My work doesn't even care that I'm pregnant. But yells at me cause someone they told me to send home went to hr to complain.

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