
60 minutes on child labor

Watched a 60 minutes piece tonight on kids working in a meat factory illegally. They were playing up how awful it is, because obviously having kids in your factory is terrible. But it made me think, if it's so awful for kids to work here, why is it ok for adults just a few years older to do so? Menial dangerous labor is fine and a free choice at 19, but a 14 year old doing it is trajic apparently. Just made me think about the weird way we view child labor negatively but adults doing the same terrible work as totally normal.

Watched a 60 minutes piece tonight on kids working in a meat factory illegally. They were playing up how awful it is, because obviously having kids in your factory is terrible. But it made me think, if it's so awful for kids to work here, why is it ok for adults just a few years older to do so? Menial dangerous labor is fine and a free choice at 19, but a 14 year old doing it is trajic apparently. Just made me think about the weird way we view child labor negatively but adults doing the same terrible work as totally normal.

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