
I got laid off yesterday.

Nowadays it seems like this story is a dime a dozen. I've come to accept it, but there are certain points that I'm frustrated about. I want to provide some background first before circling back. I'm married with 2 young kids, 3M, and 1F, and my wife is also 3 months pregnant. My mom and my brother live with us as well, and I have a mortgage to pay in New York City. My dad isn't in our life as he's always been in and out of hospitals throughout his and my life due to being diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. That being said, I have been working for a FinTech firm in the Brokerage space for roughly 10 months and was brought on board with the expectation that I could grow with the role to be one of the future leaders in the company. My team worked on…

Nowadays it seems like this story is a dime a dozen. I've come to accept it, but there are certain points that I'm frustrated about. I want to provide some background first before circling back.

I'm married with 2 young kids, 3M, and 1F, and my wife is also 3 months pregnant. My mom and my brother live with us as well, and I have a mortgage to pay in New York City. My dad isn't in our life as he's always been in and out of hospitals throughout his and my life due to being diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. That being said, I have been working for a FinTech firm in the Brokerage space for roughly 10 months and was brought on board with the expectation that I could grow with the role to be one of the future leaders in the company. My team worked on Post-Sale Partner Operations, when something broke, we fixed it, and also researched it so it wouldn't happen again. I was one of the more knowledgeable members of my team, which also meant I was paid a little too well.

Cut to a few weeks ago, my company got a new CEO, and with his entry, the company was immediately put on a hiring freeze. I guess the few weeks that went by they have been looking at names on who to cut. My direct managers had no idea who was being cut and had zero input, they were left in the dark. They have no reason to lie, so I have no reason not to believe them. And looking at the roster of people laid off, some made sense like myself, but others seemed completely random, people that have been there for a few years being let go, and others that were in the middle of projects.

I just wish there was an opportunity to have a conversation. I would have 100% taken a pay cut to stay with the firm. No parental leave, no insurance, just a big fuck you. Anyways, I'm not expecting anything to come out of this post, just wanted to vent and share a bit of my story. I'd appreciate any prayers for my job search and my growing family.

That being said, I just hate that a new CEO can waltz in, have no idea about my work ethic, my accomplishments, or my life, and just go “yeah him, get rid of him.”

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