
Are you “able” to work? You better work!

I'm ranting here because this seems like the best place. I have Epilepsy. This means that sometimes I have seizures. I've had three at work. Sometimes the medication makes me feel sick and I pretend to be OK so I don't “use up” my “sick days”. Luckily, my boss is a good person and is my friend. Still, I was feeling super stressed, down and anxious, and decided I needed therapy. After four sessions I canceled my fifth because I realized I don't have psychological problems. I have epilepsy and I have to work. I shouldn't have to work. Its super dangerous actually. Last semester I had a seizure while teaching a class. My walk to work can be life threatening in traffic. Random strangers don't know how to help. I can't legally drive a car but the law says I'm not disabled. I get no government assistance. This limits…

I'm ranting here because this seems like the best place.

I have Epilepsy. This means that sometimes I have seizures. I've had three at work. Sometimes the medication makes me feel sick and I pretend to be OK so I don't “use up” my “sick days”. Luckily, my boss is a good person and is my friend. Still, I was feeling super stressed, down and anxious, and decided I needed therapy.

After four sessions I canceled my fifth because I realized I don't have psychological problems. I have epilepsy and I have to work. I shouldn't have to work. Its super dangerous actually. Last semester I had a seizure while teaching a class. My walk to work can be life threatening in traffic. Random strangers don't know how to help.

I can't legally drive a car but the law says I'm not disabled. I get no government assistance. This limits my employment options. I have a masters degree but chose an employer which I can walk to instead of one which I can save money with. I'm trying to play the game.

Suck it up, swallow the pills, go to work. This is really harsh and seems unnecessary. I feel abused.

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