
Has anyone here taken a “break” from work or reduced hours significantly?

I’m in a fortunate position that my lifestyle is very simple and can even consider this, but has anyone been able to make the jump to taking time off work or working less? I’m realizing as I get older and life “didn’t work out” as I planned I want to take some time for myself to explore and learn, take care of my body, etc. How did you “take the leap”? I’ve always lived in a “work is life” type family and the idea of not working full time terrifies me.

I’m in a fortunate position that my lifestyle is very simple and can even consider this, but has anyone been able to make the jump to taking time off work or working less? I’m realizing as I get older and life “didn’t work out” as I planned I want to take some time for myself to explore and learn, take care of my body, etc.

How did you “take the leap”? I’ve always lived in a “work is life” type family and the idea of not working full time terrifies me.

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