
The rich are out of touch with reality

So I have a friend who works for their parents and is very generationally wealthy. I was talking to them about work and they said they made $400 in one shift (for minimal work) meanwhile I’m working 46 hours this week and getting paid the same amount. I was saying I’d love to travel but it’s expensive and they were all like “if you wanted to you would you need to invest and start your own business” what do you not fucking get? YOU NEED TO HAVE MONEY TO MAKE MONEY. Easy for you to say that when a 9 hour shift gets you $400 meanwhile I’m working 46 hours and going to school to get paid an abysmal hourly wage just to spend it all on gas and food. The rich live in a completely different reality than the rest of us and they don’t care to take a…

So I have a friend who works for their parents and is very generationally wealthy. I was talking to them about work and they said they made $400 in one shift (for minimal work) meanwhile I’m working 46 hours this week and getting paid the same amount. I was saying I’d love to travel but it’s expensive and they were all like “if you wanted to you would you need to invest and start your own business” what do you not fucking get? YOU NEED TO HAVE MONEY TO MAKE MONEY. Easy for you to say that when a 9 hour shift gets you $400 meanwhile I’m working 46 hours and going to school to get paid an abysmal hourly wage just to spend it all on gas and food. The rich live in a completely different reality than the rest of us and they don’t care to take a step in someone else’s shoe’s because somehow we are less deserving of basic necessities and life pleasures. Wack.

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