
Landlords are scum can’t change my mind

As the title states landlords are scum, all of them. My mother has lived in the same house for 14 years, paying 750 for rent since day one. Always on time, never missed a beat. She hasn’t asked for much in the 14 years unless it was absolutely needed. I’ll start with saying that the living room carpet has been the same since the first day and was even the same carpet from the last renters. The front door, along with its frame, it pretty much falling off the hinges and you gotta know how to lock it in order to lock it if you know what I mean. A tornado took out the back patio ages ago, never got replaced. There is tile by the front door, back door, and kitchen that has been chipped and broke since I started growing hair on my nuts. The A/C unit is…

As the title states landlords are scum, all of them.

My mother has lived in the same house for 14 years, paying 750 for rent since day one. Always on time, never missed a beat. She hasn’t asked for much in the 14 years unless it was absolutely needed.

I’ll start with saying that the living room carpet has been the same since the first day and was even the same carpet from the last renters. The front door, along with its frame, it pretty much falling off the hinges and you gotta know how to lock it in order to lock it if you know what I mean. A tornado took out the back patio ages ago, never got replaced. There is tile by the front door, back door, and kitchen that has been chipped and broke since I started growing hair on my nuts. The A/C unit is so small I can pick it up myself, the house is easily 1200 SF. The tub In the bathroom has mold on it on top of many other things that need fixed but those are the main ones.

I texted the landlord myself, asked if we could get the bathtub replaced and if he could install some carpet we were gifted. Super simply fix.

He texted my mother back and basically said “I haven’t raised your rent the entire time you have lived there, I told you I would pay for new carpet, if you want a remodel I would need to raise your rent to 1100” there was more but thats the just of it.

If you are a landlord, eat a fat one.

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