
I seen crab theory in action yesterday, and why your coworkers are just that

So for those who don't know. Crab theory (crab mentality) is basically if you put live crabs in a bucket. Instead of helping each other to work their way out. They end up eating each other alive. Another way to say it is dog eat dog world. Anyways, yesterday I seen a few instances of this while standing in line at a hardware store. The biggest is this. There was a women behind us that got a call and had it on speaker phone. The person called said they will be in late due to car problems and they were wondering if they needed to use pto to cover the miss time. The person said don't worry about it and just come in. After reassuring them and getting off the phone, the person behind me called another coworker and said “the educated girl is running late”. Then after a good…

So for those who don't know. Crab theory (crab mentality) is basically if you put live crabs in a bucket. Instead of helping each other to work their way out. They end up eating each other alive. Another way to say it is dog eat dog world.

Anyways, yesterday I seen a few instances of this while standing in line at a hardware store. The biggest is this.

There was a women behind us that got a call and had it on speaker phone. The person called said they will be in late due to car problems and they were wondering if they needed to use pto to cover the miss time. The person said don't worry about it and just come in.

After reassuring them and getting off the phone, the person behind me called another coworker and said

“the educated girl is running late”. Then after a good 10 seconds she started talking about how they were going to screw the worker and someone higher up from them will see how the time is off and fire them and what should they do if she doesn't get fired.

I'm assuming the girl behind me is a manager or something because idk how else she would approve PTO.

It should be noted when they were talking to the employee running late, they sounded like they were their friends. But with the “educated girl” statement I wonder if it's jealousy. But the girl behind me was a POS for what she did.

The other is a women in front of us with a puppy German Sheppard (like full grown but young), the dog barked once in a while but the owner was trying and for the most part was doing a good job. Some elder ass hole out of no where was saying the dog was after blood. When the owner said it was excited, he admitted he was joking. So it turn out he was after causing a panic.

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