
Asking for doctors note?

Yesterday at work I overheard another manager (my peer in terms of rank in the store) speaking to one of her team members about him calling out two days in a row. She told him he needed to get a doctors note or his absences would be considered unexcused (like we’re little kids in school). The thing is in my state it’s illegal to ask for a doctors note unless someone has called out sick three consecutive times. In addition, our company doesn’t have “sick” time but rather “wellness” time that can be taken for any number of reasons, not just ones that may require a doctors visit. I’m not sure what to do in this situation. I guess I’m leaning towards writing to our store manager and letting her know what I heard and that it is illegal and see what she says. I could also go above her…

Yesterday at work I overheard another manager (my peer in terms of rank in the store) speaking to one of her team members about him calling out two days in a row. She told him he needed to get a doctors note or his absences would be considered unexcused (like we’re little kids in school). The thing is in my state it’s illegal to ask for a doctors note unless someone has called out sick three consecutive times. In addition, our company doesn’t have “sick” time but rather “wellness” time that can be taken for any number of reasons, not just ones that may require a doctors visit.

I’m not sure what to do in this situation. I guess I’m leaning towards writing to our store manager and letting her know what I heard and that it is illegal and see what she says. I could also go above her head if she didn’t respond.

It just boils my blood that they’re asking part time employees without health care to pay to go to the doctor just to get them their stupid little note. It’s bullshit and fucking illegal. What would you do in my situation?

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