
A couple coworkers are quitting on Friday and I kinda wanna join

For context, I work as a car washer/detailer at a dealership for a shit 3rd party company. They underpay us and treat us like trash. Me and my coworkers were originally gonna put out 2 weeks in at the same time to try and leverage it for a higher wage. But now they are gonna quit. I wanna join them but I don’t have another job secured and money is super tight. I have a couple of interviews lined up which I think I could get the jobs. I do get paid on Friday, but that money is going straight to bills. I’ve also thought about not quitting with them and using them leaving for leverage to get a higher wage. What would y’all do in this situation and what do y’all recommend? TL:DR- coworkers will quit on Friday. Should I quit with them even though I’m tight on money…

For context, I work as a car washer/detailer at a dealership for a shit 3rd party company. They underpay us and treat us like trash. Me and my coworkers were originally gonna put out 2 weeks in at the same time to try and leverage it for a higher wage. But now they are gonna quit. I wanna join them but I don’t have another job secured and money is super tight. I have a couple of interviews lined up which I think I could get the jobs. I do get paid on Friday, but that money is going straight to bills. I’ve also thought about not quitting with them and using them leaving for leverage to get a higher wage. What would y’all do in this situation and what do y’all recommend?

TL:DR- coworkers will quit on Friday. Should I quit with them even though I’m tight on money or should I use them leaving as leverage for a higher wage?

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