
You’ll never believe what my boss told me when I informed her I was about to lose my house

Luckily, I didn’t lose my house because I wound up leaving right away and got hired quickly at a job with much better compensation. Prior to this, I told my boss I had no other choice but to leave due to my situation. She said, “Yeah, I know how it is. I have to refinance my mortgage so I can remodel my backyard and put a new pool in.” I didn’t even know what to say. How do you even compare that to someone almost losing their home?! Like, wow—what a shame you had to refinance your mansion in your gated community so you can put a new pool in your remodeled backyard. Your privilege is showing. Edit: I’ve known my boss for 20 years since she became a close family friend of ours when my family began doing business with her many years ago. I’ve never had an issue…

Luckily, I didn’t lose my house because I wound up leaving right away and got hired quickly at a job with much better compensation. Prior to this, I told my boss I had no other choice but to leave due to my situation. She said, “Yeah, I know how it is. I have to refinance my mortgage so I can remodel my backyard and put a new pool in.” I didn’t even know what to say. How do you even compare that to someone almost losing their home?! Like, wow—what a shame you had to refinance your mansion in your gated community so you can put a new pool in your remodeled backyard. Your privilege is showing.

Edit: I’ve known my boss for 20 years since she became a close family friend of ours when my family began doing business with her many years ago. I’ve never had an issue with her otherwise. Our relationship dynamic is different due to how long we’ve known each other, so we share a lot about what’s going on with our lives and whatnot.

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