
rant. can anyone be happy with this exploitation?

I currently work in fast food for 12 an hour. To get this job I was required to sign a paper allowing them to conduct a strip search whenever they chose. Employers know you need money to survive and you'll sign anything to get it if you're desperate enough. This is a Fast food job mind you. Not a prison trying to stop contraband or a tech firm guarding information. F***ing fast food. Wtf could they possibly need to strip anyone down for? Cell phone in my prison pocket? I took this job because I can't handle anymore overtime, I figured I'll at least get a day or two off a week which is an improvement over previous 15 an hour 7 days a week factory job who leaves everyone in temp staff limbo instead of hiring them so they don't get pay raises or benefits. Also I'm in a…

I currently work in fast food for 12 an hour. To get this job I was required to sign a paper allowing them to conduct a strip search whenever they chose. Employers know you need money to survive and you'll sign anything to get it if you're desperate enough. This is a Fast food job mind you. Not a prison trying to stop contraband or a tech firm guarding information. F***ing fast food. Wtf could they possibly need to strip anyone down for? Cell phone in my prison pocket? I took this job because I can't handle anymore overtime, I figured I'll at least get a day or two off a week which is an improvement over previous 15 an hour 7 days a week factory job who leaves everyone in temp staff limbo instead of hiring them so they don't get pay raises or benefits.

Also I'm in a right to hire or fire state, red state bible belt Tennessee. No one in this town offers more than 15 an hour starting pay and probably never will. Most are around 10 to 12 an hour. So yeah, you can leave a job but wind up in the same old s*** with a different company. Factories are happy with being understaffed because they'd rather pay a person to work 7 days a week at time and a half than hire a second crew and pay them a fair wage. Sadly we're desperate enough to do it too. I've had 20+ jobs here. All of them made me want to die and if it wouldn't destroy everyone around me I would.

I'm just ranting some frustration at this point to feel some release but here are a few examples of the BS an average worker has put up with spread out over 23 years of being a cog in the machine…
Been fired for temporary hair dye used on Halloween. Had to work 36 hour shift. Been hit, bitten, and spit on. Been denied vacation, sick pay, and had to find my own coverage or come in sick, putting others at risk. Been away from home 42 days at a time. Had to piss in bottles and sleep in the cold. Been docked pay because of traffic jams. Had bonus checks drop from 1000+ a year to a 25$ gift card. Worked for 2 years as a temp staff and never get hired, in fact I was told I was getting hired on Monday and Friday they laid me off instead, in those two years I had 4 absences total. Been given a job far beyond my physical ability (I cannot lift 75lbs repetitively), 2 slipped discs for that. Took a job 52 miles away just to get above 10 an hour. Been cussed like a dog. Worked 7 12s for 9 solid months, got carpal tunnel for that. Been denied a break while working over 8 hours on a shift many times, also have had the company decide to remove breaks down to state minimum (20 minute lunch). Worked for 3 to 5 weeks without receiving a paycheck on a few occasions. Had to pay in on taxes because of overtime despite making less than 30k in a year. Took jobs that have promised x an hour and paid 2 or 3$ less than agreed. Took jobs offering 4 10 hour shifts or 5 8s only to turn into 60+ hour weeks by the second day. Been fired because my cross dressing was offensive. Been fired for rumors with no validity. Been burned, cut and fallen during shifts and patched myself with duct tape to continue my job. I've been subjected to all manner of degradation and threats. All just to get enough money for survival. Not an iphone or new car, just food and shelter… I have lived on ramen noodles and hot dogs for years at a time… There's nothing left over to save.

I just want this to be over. All of it just feels like corporate greed destroying humanity and by living I have no choice but to advance this system of dread. I want it to be over. Please.

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