
Just got laid off and I feel deceived

Got fired on the spot from a job I’ve had for 5 months now. No written warning, no write ups, just let go. I worked at a very high end lounge and thought I was doing a great job, until my boss asked me to have a meeting with him without telling me what it was about. Found out that he was actually planning on firing me for being late twice (once was out of my control, the other time was my first time being late) and I had no warning or way of knowing that he felt this way. He decided that this meeting would be my “last chance” despite me not being aware of a lot of the issues he was bringing up because he never talked to me about them up until that point. Follow up to today, turns out he had been lowkey observing everything I…

Got fired on the spot from a job I’ve had for 5 months now. No written warning, no write ups, just let go. I worked at a very high end lounge and thought I was doing a great job, until my boss asked me to have a meeting with him without telling me what it was about.
Found out that he was actually planning on firing me for being late twice (once was out of my control, the other time was my first time being late) and I had no warning or way of knowing that he felt this way. He decided that this meeting would be my “last chance” despite me not being aware of a lot of the issues he was bringing up because he never talked to me about them up until that point.

Follow up to today, turns out he had been lowkey observing everything I did and made a list of things I was doing, and instead of telling me in that moment to not do something or do something differently he said nothing and created this big list of “repeated offences” that didn’t even have anything to do with the previous meeting, and used that as the reason to let me go on the spot.

I am devastated because I really enjoyed working there, and told him if he ever had any issues with me or anything i was doing to let me know in the moment, otherwise I won’t be aware and will keep doing it unless you bring it to my attention.
I am more upset by the fact that instead of talking to me or even giving a write up or actual warnings, he instead made a list of things he didn’t like and let it build up over time while I had no idea about it.

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