
is workplace trauma a thing?

obligatory on mobile background – i’ll be referring to two different jobs as job A and job B in this story. they are both in foodservice, A was fast food and B is a restaurant. my manager at job A i will refer to as P, and my manager at job B i will refer to as J. so i was hired at job A back in February and it seemed like a really good gig. it paid minimum but there was a tipshare that all employees got from equally, and because of the location we were tipped very often and very well despite being a fast food restaurant. all was well until June when my manager P sat me down and wrote me up completely out of left field. she told me that i had allegedly said some nasty things about her (she did not ever say what i…

obligatory on mobile

background – i’ll be referring to two different jobs as job A and job B in this story. they are both in foodservice, A was fast food and B is a restaurant. my manager at job A i will refer to as P, and my manager at job B i will refer to as J.

so i was hired at job A back in February and it seemed like a really good gig. it paid minimum but there was a tipshare that all employees got from equally, and because of the location we were tipped very often and very well despite being a fast food restaurant.

all was well until June when my manager P sat me down and wrote me up completely out of left field. she told me that i had allegedly said some nasty things about her (she did not ever say what i said) and she was told this by five other employees. i never talked about her at all to any of my coworkers so i knew she was lying. during this conversation she was almost yelling at me and backed me into a corner several times during the conversation (at one point asking me what i thought she should do about my “behavior”). at the end of the conversation she told me that if she had to talk to me again about this “issue” that i would be fired. she also cut my hours down so much that i would have been forced to quit anyway to find another job as i wasn’t making enough.

i immediately started looking for another job because this whole thing was hella sus. so i get job B, and it’s been going similarly well as job A did at first. my manager J is super chill and i can tell he really cares about his employees. however, i find myself walking on eggshells constantly and unable to trust any of my coworkers for fear of being reported and written up for no reason again. i was even told by a coworker that it seemed to him that i hated my job and everyone there because i never talked. it was impossible to explain this whole situation to him so i just shrugged it off. i’m so terrified that if i make one wrong move i’ll be written up or fired.

so my question is – does workplace trauma exist and if not, what could this constitute as? and how do i get help for this? i can’t continue to be mute at work forever and i’m so anxious that it’s affecting my work performance and bleeding over into my personal life.

thanks for reading and any advice is very much appreciated 🙂

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