
Posting a story my friend told me yesterday

In his junior year of college, my buddy worked at a DQ as a store manager. He has to work a lot because he has tons of debt to pay off due to college. His superiors took advantage of him due to this fact. This is one particular time they did this. My friend had a GM named Sabrina. She commonly skirted her responsibilities by leaving the store for hours to go do her nails or other bullshit leaving the staff to do her responsibilities for her. As my friend put it, any store she went to she ran it into the ground. This particular story centers around a Miracle Treat day – DQ’s big donation day for Miracle Network Hospitals. My friend was working the day before this event and closed. However, halfway through his shift he got a call from Sabrina asking him to stay AFTER close to…

In his junior year of college, my buddy worked at a DQ as a store manager. He has to work a lot because he has tons of debt to pay off due to college. His superiors took advantage of him due to this fact. This is one particular time they did this.

My friend had a GM named Sabrina. She commonly skirted her responsibilities by leaving the store for hours to go do her nails or other bullshit leaving the staff to do her responsibilities for her. As my friend put it, any store she went to she ran it into the ground. This particular story centers around a Miracle Treat day – DQ’s big donation day for Miracle Network Hospitals. My friend was working the day before this event and closed. However, halfway through his shift he got a call from Sabrina asking him to stay AFTER close to clean the ice cream machines – a job that takes two and a half hours… to add to the ridiculousness of this, my friend was ALSO scheduled to work the next morning at 5:30am to open the store and was also scheduled to close. My friend told Sabrina that doing this to the machines would cause them to act up the next day and asked her to not make him do it. Nope. So he got home that morning at 3:00am after cleaning the machines. He stocked up on energy drinks and came in the next morning ten minutes late. He got yelled at. The fucking machines acted up, too. Called it. Halfway through his shift the next day, Sabrina announced she would be going to get pizzas for everyone on shift that day due to it being miracle treat day. She transferred her responsibilities over to my buddy, then got in her car to “get pizzas”. She was gone for four hours. My friend worked his shift to 11 where they finally told him to go home. He again was scheduled to work a 5-11 the day after that. He got paid overtime, but fuck that shit.

This fucking piece of shit general manager abused the hell out of my friend and took advantage of his work ethic. I’m sure this isn’t the only story he has. Luckily, soon after this event took place my friend put in his two weeks and Sabrina was fired for gross misconduct in the workplace and not being at her shifts for long periods of time.

I just can’t believe the lack of empathy you have to have to tell one of your most dedicated workers, “Yeah I know you have to be in at 5:30am tomorrow, but I need you to stay tonight and clean some fucking machines for two hours after close”. Them has the GALL the next day to just vanish and leave the SAME PERSON with YOUR responsibilities. How the fuck do people with work ethics and attitudes like that end up in positions like a general manager? Fucked up.

Anyway, just wanted to rant to a community of people who could probably relate.

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