
Boss is upset that I wasn’t able to come in… on my days off.

So yeah, pretty much the title, got a talking to today because a) I called in sick the day before I literally passed out and smashed my face out of no where and b) I couldn't come in to cover for him on one of my days off. I work in customer service and we don't have any sort of on-call or anything. I really thought I was doing good. We hired a new guy that I have been helping train, took on more hours, been running the store open-close solo when needed, all without the raise I was promised months ago. Still not enough. I hate customer service, I hate people. I just want to go live in a forest alone and never have to be a part of this bullshit work your ass off to barely get by society we are in.

So yeah, pretty much the title, got a talking to today because a) I called in sick the day before I literally passed out and smashed my face out of no where and b) I couldn't come in to cover for him on one of my days off. I work in customer service and we don't have any sort of on-call or anything.

I really thought I was doing good. We hired a new guy that I have been helping train, took on more hours, been running the store open-close solo when needed, all without the raise I was promised months ago. Still not enough. I hate customer service, I hate people. I just want to go live in a forest alone and never have to be a part of this bullshit work your ass off to barely get by society we are in.

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