
My boss made me realize I should never go above and beyond

Just a small story of what guided me I to the beliefs I have today. I worked for a small construction company just the boss his foreman and me. Started as an apprentice picking up the debris and slowly he taught me a lot and I’ll always be grateful about it but he also made me realize the reality of the difference between boss and employee. One day we get called in on a Sunday I refused initially cause we already worked 6 days and I liked my day off (not to mention work usually went longer than the 8-5 on the excuse that we “had to finish”) This time he said we had to finish cause it was a restaurant and they had an inspection on Monday. I fold show up boss tells me I have to crawl into the ceiling and fix the insulation around the oven exhaust…

Just a small story of what guided me I to the beliefs I have today. I worked for a small construction company just the boss his foreman and me. Started as an apprentice picking up the debris and slowly he taught me a lot and I’ll always be grateful about it but he also made me realize the reality of the difference between boss and employee. One day we get called in on a Sunday I refused initially cause we already worked 6 days and I liked my day off (not to mention work usually went longer than the 8-5 on the excuse that we “had to finish”) This time he said we had to finish cause it was a restaurant and they had an inspection on Monday. I fold show up boss tells me I have to crawl into the ceiling and fix the insulation around the oven exhaust and he leaves. I spent 8 hours stuck in a two foot tall crawl space fixing everything. When the day was done I checked my phone and saw my boss had uploaded pictures of him being on a day out with his kids in the park. I stopped doing unpaid overtime or coming in on sundays after that and when I asked for a raise since I had started doing more skilled work he proceeded to fire me during the beginning of the COVID pandemic.

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