
I quit this morning

I started a new Job a few weeks ago requesting the 20 hour conract which was offered due to the fact my wife and I have been looking after my Mother and if I exceed 23 hours, my mother's benefits get immediately reduced by about £57, and the rent goes up, for that week. I told him I don't mind staying back here and there to help but I can't exceed those hours or I will be at a loss.This was agreed before I even began working. I find that I am issued 30 hours, making a whole day a weeks pay just void. I managed to get some hours knocked down by one of the assistant managers but was told that going forward I would be working 30 hours. and asked if I just wanted to work more to offset it. I straight up told him that I was…

I started a new Job a few weeks ago requesting the 20 hour conract which was offered due to the fact my wife and I have been looking after my Mother and if I exceed 23 hours, my mother's benefits get immediately reduced by about £57, and the rent goes up, for that week. I told him I don't mind staying back here and there to help but I can't exceed those hours or I will be at a loss.This was agreed before I even began working. I find that I am issued 30 hours, making a whole day a weeks pay just void. I managed to get some hours knocked down by one of the assistant managers but was told that going forward I would be working 30 hours. and asked if I just wanted to work more to offset it.

I straight up told him that I was not going to work for what was essentially only 2/3rds pay because he wouldn't honor the contract. He said well I can always hand in my notice but I would still need to work that week and he won't lower the hours. So I reminded him that it was still just within the training period where I would only need to give him 1 days notice and since I hadn't clocked in yet he could consider this it.

Now I gotta start searching again.

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