
To work or not to work.

I hate some people. They drive cars burning gasoline. Expecting others to produce gasoline. literally expecting people to die to make gasoline. causing global warming and people to die from the consequences of excessive heat. All jobs seem to be this way. the lowest level some jobs are stressful and added stress is shown to reduce life span. Yet I still go out riding my bicycle daily. I build/work in virtual worlds with my spare time. I read books. My neighbor does all sorts of drugs and parties with friends. interrupting my sleep and steal to get more. Why would anyone work when they can just steal? I understand this is why communism fail. why work when you get everything from the state if you do no work. when i am hungry i eat, when i am thirsty i drink water, when i am bored i find something to…

I hate some people.

They drive cars burning gasoline. Expecting others to produce gasoline. literally expecting people to die to make gasoline.

causing global warming and people to die from the consequences of excessive heat.

All jobs seem to be this way. the lowest level some jobs are stressful and added stress is shown to reduce life span.

Yet I still go out riding my bicycle daily. I build/work in virtual worlds with my spare time. I read books.

My neighbor does all sorts of drugs and parties with friends. interrupting my sleep and steal to get more. Why would anyone work when they can just steal? I understand this is why communism fail. why work when you get everything from the state if you do no work.

when i am hungry i eat, when i am thirsty i drink water, when i am bored i find something to occupy my time.

Is that why people work they are bored and have nothing better to do so they get jobs to fill their lives? and they follow the capitalist precept “if it is worth doing it is worth getting paid to do”

should i stop eating until someone pays me to eat? I had a friend say this is what disability is for people who are too depressed to eat get money from the government to continue eating because the government knows people who are bored produce things. but then why do they stop paying people to eat if they start working.

I am so confused. i guess each person has their own reason for why they work. It just seems like if society wanted people ot work then society would remove all the arbitrary restrictions on working. In my country you have to prove your a citizen of the country before you can work. seems absurd. no one needs to prove their a citizen before they can steal. but stealing does not get one deported but working without the proper papers does. seems insane.

is ti that idea of the potatoes. no one would eat the potatoes because they are from the dirt and dirty. but the king paid guards to protect the potatoes and suddenly everyone wanted to steal the potatoes and eat them. do the arbitrary restrictions on work make people feel a job is good and valuable and so people work more. like it seems absurd people will work to death.

But if i see someone in need i feel obligated to help them. and helping them is work.

I am just so frustrated i seem to dislike a lot of people and do not want to work because people have hurt me. Target and their ” we do not have to pay out stored vacation time in your state” “we gave ceos a 20% raise but require employees to get gov assistance if they want to stay alive” “we do not prosecute people who steal $500 or less worth of goods each time they visit, but we will not pay our employees $500 every time they walk in the door”

If i layed on the side walk and refused to move, i would be taken to the hospital were some person would get paid to put a feeding tube in me, where someone would get paid to change my clothes and bed sheets, were someone would be paid to grind the food up to put it in the tube, where someone would clean up all my waste for me. and yet I do not get paid to do that for myself? it seems so absurd.

I am trying to figure out the existential reasoning why people work. is it easier to get food by working for money then using the money to buy food, than it is to produce things themselves. like making a car would be a huge amount of work and giving pieces of paper for it is little work.

Am i obligated to do work. or if i can get green pieces of paper that others are happy with the green tokens i give them then it is ok? like gold stars is that what money is. just green squares.

i am sorry for this rant. but i am concerned i am missing something. I am hoping someone can comment with some understanding as to why I feel an obligation to help others, to work. even if i do not see any logical reason to.

is all work is a biological need, like the “pointer” dogs that have been breed to point at interesting animals. and so ceos are just taking advantage of humans need to help others? like hunters take advantage of pointing dogs.

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