
I resigned. My friend says I should have made them fire me.

Two days ago I walked out of a meeting after my market manager informed the store management team that there would be no raises considered until January at the earliest. Yesterday I was informed by my district manager that my schedule would be capped at 39 hours a week (16 hours a week fewer than previously) and that he would be taking over some of the duties of my position. I called for a meeting between the market manager, the district manager, and myself. In this meeting I told them that if they wanted to stand by the reduced schedule then I would need to resign. They accepted. When I told my uncle he said that I should have forced them to fire me instead, but I disagree. I don't think that staying and doing worse and worse work while being jerked around constantly would have been better for anyone.…

Two days ago I walked out of a meeting after my market manager informed the store management team that there would be no raises considered until January at the earliest. Yesterday I was informed by my district manager that my schedule would be capped at 39 hours a week (16 hours a week fewer than previously) and that he would be taking over some of the duties of my position. I called for a meeting between the market manager, the district manager, and myself. In this meeting I told them that if they wanted to stand by the reduced schedule then I would need to resign. They accepted. When I told my uncle he said that I should have forced them to fire me instead, but I disagree. I don't think that staying and doing worse and worse work while being jerked around constantly would have been better for anyone.

More context since I'm sure people will ask. I'm the manager of the largest of six stores in my city. I've been with the company for 5 months and during that time our store ranking has improved from always being in the bottom 25% nationwide to the consistently in the top 25%. This is the first time I've received any sort of disciplinary action from the company. I would have quit effective immediately but the company has a policy of not paying out earned commissions or bonuses unless you serve a full 14 days written notice (this would have cost me $1700 had I not complied). I have other job offers already (part of why I was comfortable leaving).

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