
Nightmare boss asked me to make sure I keep checking my email to answer their questions after I quit

Some background. I have been working at the same place for several years. After Covid my boss who I adored retired and was replaced by a horrible nightmare monster. We’ll call new boss V. Although there were several of us working at all times, I was always stuck with every single silly little task V asked me to do. My other coworkers would sit at their desks for their entire shifts, never asked to do a thing. Meanwhile the second I walked into work until the last second before clocking out, I had dozens of bullshit tasks assigned to me by V that did NOT involve my job description at all. I’m talking “sort personal, non-work related papers for me in alphabetical order”, “print labels for the drawers on my desk”, count and record the number of NAILS IN A BOX, insane shit like that. All the while I would…

Some background. I have been working at the same place for several years. After Covid my boss who I adored retired and was replaced by a horrible nightmare monster. We’ll call new boss V. Although there were several of us working at all times, I was always stuck with every single silly little task V asked me to do. My other coworkers would sit at their desks for their entire shifts, never asked to do a thing. Meanwhile the second I walked into work until the last second before clocking out, I had dozens of bullshit tasks assigned to me by V that did NOT involve my job description at all. I’m talking “sort personal, non-work related papers for me in alphabetical order”, “print labels for the drawers on my desk”, count and record the number of NAILS IN A BOX, insane shit like that. All the while I would look over at V’s desk and see them watching clips of the Amber Heard trial or TikToks for hours on end. V would plan meetings with important department heads, not prepare at all or notify me, and simply tell me “well, go ahead and do what we discussed!” And laugh and humiliate me when I said I didn’t know what was going on. If I was visibly having a bad day, V would ask me what was wrong, only to say “you don’t actually know about real problems or life since you’re in your 20s you’ll look back and realize these were the easiest times of your life”. I finally put in my two weeks and on my last day, V asked me to make sure I give them my personal email since my work email will soon expire so they can continue emailing me with questions and small tasks even though I QUIT and am relocating to a new state. I held my tongue because in the past every time I’ve expressed being uncomfortable with their demands, V has softly threatened to rescind recommendation letters and refuse to write future ones despite all I’ve done for them. I know this is long and rant-y, I’m just very fired up.

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