
Broke, slightly disabeled, out of options, advice welcome.

I'll keep it short. 40 years old. Male. Felonies. Anger issues. Worked my whole life in kitchens. Tangled some arteries up (yup thats what the doc said) so can't do that kind of work anymore. Can't lift anything heavy really or even raise right arm above my head (the doc had never heard the joke wtf right?) Anyway Ive tried a few failed buisness ventures, and while Ive enjoyed a bit of success 3d printing aquarium parts, im running out of options. Im delivering sandwiches at the moment, but my car cant do it forever. I was raised in this shitty west texas town and have no skills. Im a dickhead, tho I try not to be, and have very few friends. In like 15-20 years im doomed to some really dark depressing shit if I cant figure out a way to turn this around. Not in a good place…

I'll keep it short. 40 years old. Male. Felonies. Anger issues. Worked my whole life in kitchens. Tangled some arteries up (yup thats what the doc said) so can't do that kind of work anymore. Can't lift anything heavy really or even raise right arm above my head (the doc had never heard the joke wtf right?)
Anyway Ive tried a few failed buisness ventures, and while Ive enjoyed a bit of success 3d printing aquarium parts, im running out of options. Im delivering sandwiches at the moment, but my car cant do it forever. I was raised in this shitty west texas town and have no skills. Im a dickhead, tho I try not to be, and have very few friends. In like 15-20 years im doomed to some really dark depressing shit if I cant figure out a way to turn this around. Not in a good place mentally. Could use some options. I know there arent any really. Everyones in similar straits. Lol Ive thought about making my way to Ukraine and offering myself as a cook, but thats just some nhilist fantasy. Anyway kinda just venting too. Im so fucked haha.

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