
Who do we work for? Ourselves.

I've had it. I've tried established industries, new industries, established companies, new companies, big business, small business, non government, and government jobs. Every. Single. One. Sucked. I got denied an accommodation for a temporary reduced schedule today. I had 5 clear concise arguments why I should be allowed this reduction. I didn't even get past the 2nd one before they told me it wasn't work related so I didn't qualify. Even though I said the anxiety from work was killing me and reducing my mental capacity and not allowing me time to focus on building my home. Y'know, cause they don't pay us enough to buy one. Despite being protected by unions, and ADA, and a million and one laws around labor, my workplace essentially is telling me to get fucked. It's not their responsibility to provide time to build a bathroom or home, even though they removed my access…

I've had it. I've tried established industries, new industries, established companies, new companies, big business, small business, non government, and government jobs.

Every. Single. One. Sucked.

I got denied an accommodation for a temporary reduced schedule today. I had 5 clear concise arguments why I should be allowed this reduction.

I didn't even get past the 2nd one before they told me it wasn't work related so I didn't qualify.

Even though I said the anxiety from work was killing me and reducing my mental capacity and not allowing me time to focus on building my home. Y'know, cause they don't pay us enough to buy one.

Despite being protected by unions, and ADA, and a million and one laws around labor, my workplace essentially is telling me to get fucked. It's not their responsibility to provide time to build a bathroom or home, even though they removed my access to the facilities we do have while I'm teleworking.

I just….give up. That's it. That's the post.

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