
Legal cannabis industry uses and abuses.

Alright it's finally time for me to RANT about where I work/ maybe worked? So today my coworker gets the forklift stuck. Comes to ask me to help pull it out with my jeep. I said “not untill a supervisor is present” as my superior comes over, helps us chain it up to my car. He is pushing on the forklift and something pops and my car starts making noise. We get the forklift out and my powersteering has gone out. I park the car tell my general manager that my manager above me was present and helped with this. Nothing will be coved on my vehicle from the company. Not only that but the past 2 years they have had me do many questionable and illegal things for them while holding raises and promotions over my head. The department of agriculture and the state police would love to hear…

Alright it's finally time for me to RANT about where I work/ maybe worked? So today my coworker gets the forklift stuck. Comes to ask me to help pull it out with my jeep. I said “not untill a supervisor is present” as my superior comes over, helps us chain it up to my car. He is pushing on the forklift and something pops and my car starts making noise. We get the forklift out and my powersteering has gone out. I park the car tell my general manager that my manager above me was present and helped with this. Nothing will be coved on my vehicle from the company. Not only that but the past 2 years they have had me do many questionable and illegal things for them while holding raises and promotions over my head. The department of agriculture and the state police would love to hear what I have to say. I gave my boss my two weeks notice today when I was told nothing would be done and he is going around to my coworkers trying to spin the story that he wasn't there and didn't help. Unfortunately for him I am tight with security and they are getting me the camera feed. I do not get paid enough to fix my car. I do not get paid enough to have my morals destroyed for selling moldy and buggy cannabis to peoples grandmother's and anyone that actually uses this as a medicine. Any advice moving forward would be highly appreciated.

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