
Things don’t change. Watch your backs.

I was working at a hospital through an agency. Just janitorial stuff, $9.00 per hour. Everything was fine even though I was collecting red bags for disposal. I was gloved and cautious, knowing a little bit about the contents, bodily fluids, needles and potential contagious materials. When my cart was full, supervisor showed me the incinerator. Told me to climb in and pick up bags, tossing them further back so we could get more in there. I told him that was stupid because they were red bags and there was no way to know if they were even still sealed. Besides the fact that I would have to walk on them in order to even get inside. He said something about lack of work ethics and I left. Called the agency first thing and warned them. They backed me up at least. This was 1989. But I never trusted another…

I was working at a hospital through an agency. Just janitorial stuff, $9.00 per hour. Everything was fine even though I was collecting red bags for disposal. I was gloved and cautious, knowing a little bit about the contents, bodily fluids, needles and potential contagious materials.

When my cart was full, supervisor showed me the incinerator. Told me to climb in and pick up bags, tossing them further back so we could get more in there.

I told him that was stupid because they were red bags and there was no way to know if they were even still sealed. Besides the fact that I would have to walk on them in order to even get inside.

He said something about lack of work ethics and I left.

Called the agency first thing and warned them. They backed me up at least. This was 1989.

But I never trusted another employer again and I have always been proven right.

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