
Fuck shitty companies & temp agencies.

Got a job through a temp agency. Hired on a Wednesday & worked 3 days my first week. Felt like I had the flu, turns out I got Covid from a worker there. Had such a hassle from the temp agency while I was under quarantine about missing work. Got injured yesterday due to some idiot not paying attention. Didn’t want to go to the hospital but was forced due to them filing an injury report. Doctor gave me 3 days off. Got a call today saying my assignment at the factory was terminated. No reason at all just was let go. There should be a valid reason given for letting an employee go.

Got a job through a temp agency. Hired on a Wednesday & worked 3 days my first week. Felt like I had the flu, turns out I got Covid from a worker there. Had such a hassle from the temp agency while I was under quarantine about missing work. Got injured yesterday due to some idiot not paying attention. Didn’t want to go to the hospital but was forced due to them filing an injury report. Doctor gave me 3 days off. Got a call today saying my assignment at the factory was terminated. No reason at all just was let go. There should be a valid reason given for letting an employee go.

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