
The U.S. System Doesn’t Want You to Succeed

I'm going to preface this with I have a couple of chronic illnesses that don't allow me to work physical jobs. I can't even stand for long periods of time so I can't work in retail/food. Onto my tale: I have a part-time job and am on my state's Medicaid health insurance. I got offered a side gig, ended up doing well, and was given more assignments. I'm all excited thinking maybe I'll dig my way out of the hole that is my life, but NOPE! Instead, I'll make like $100 or $200 over the eligible amount of income for my insurance. This means I would have to spend money on insurance and pay for medication which I get free right now. I take a lot of meds. So essentially I'd be working for nothing, so I have to turn down work to keep my health the way it is…

I'm going to preface this with I have a couple of chronic illnesses that don't allow me to work physical jobs. I can't even stand for long periods of time so I can't work in retail/food.

Onto my tale: I have a part-time job and am on my state's Medicaid health insurance. I got offered a side gig, ended up doing well, and was given more assignments. I'm all excited thinking maybe I'll dig my way out of the hole that is my life, but NOPE!

Instead, I'll make like $100 or $200 over the eligible amount of income for my insurance. This means I would have to spend money on insurance and pay for medication which I get free right now. I take a lot of meds. So essentially I'd be working for nothing, so I have to turn down work to keep my health the way it is right now.

I want to work (reasonably) but this country doesn't want to let me because of so many layers of BS! I'm so upset and just wanted to rant. Thanks for reading.

P.S. I am trying to find a full-time job before anyone asks, it's just hard to get one.

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