
My Boss Gets It

So I am not a salaried employee. In other words, my work day ends when I walk out the door. I went on vacation and I saw an email come across my phone (my personal phone gets work emails,it makes parts of my job easier for me when at work) asking about an important step in a project being completed to someone else on my team. I really like my boss and I don't want her to be inconvenienced so I replied that I had finished that chunk of project before I left on vacation. 2 minutes later I get a text from my boss, “STOP ANSWERING WORK EMAILS AND ENJOY YOUR VACATION!!!!” yeah,she knows what's up

So I am not a salaried employee. In other words, my work day ends when I walk out the door. I went on vacation and I saw an email come across my phone (my personal phone gets work emails,it makes parts of my job easier for me when at work) asking about an important step in a project being completed to someone else on my team. I really like my boss and I don't want her to be inconvenienced so I replied that I had finished that chunk of project before I left on vacation. 2 minutes later I get a text from my boss,


yeah,she knows what's up

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