
College and the job market

Im trying this again as i was misunderstood last time. I have no issue with college or people paying a reasonable price for it. I do have a problem with making college free. My issue has to do with credential inflation, that for many office jobs a high school degree (the actual point of a high school degree) is no longer enough. Some think school is not meant to be prep for work, i sincerely disagree. Schools are set up to mirror factories. That is done for a very practical reason, it subconsciously trains kids to follow highly regimented schedules, like say a work shift schedule? This isnt new or hidden. Montessori schools were a direct response to that issue. Schools in their ideal are bastions of learning, thats an ideal that is good. Schools in reality are set up to give all kids a basic ability to work as…

Im trying this again as i was misunderstood last time.

I have no issue with college or people paying a reasonable price for it.

I do have a problem with making college free.

My issue has to do with credential inflation, that for many office jobs a high school degree (the actual point of a high school degree) is no longer enough. Some think school is not meant to be prep for work, i sincerely disagree.

Schools are set up to mirror factories. That is done for a very practical reason, it subconsciously trains kids to follow highly regimented schedules, like say a work shift schedule? This isnt new or hidden. Montessori schools were a direct response to that issue. Schools in their ideal are bastions of learning, thats an ideal that is good. Schools in reality are set up to give all kids a basic ability to work as adults. The government will never do anything, no matter how noble or good, unless it has value that goes beyond high minded ideals. If colleges put education above everything they would already be charging less. Look at football and basketballs dominance of funding compared to sports that are less popular.

If we can make college free without credential inflation great, but the free college movement needs to work on two fronts; the college side and the job market side. How many of you see Batchelors required for a job an 18 year old intern could do?

Many people think making college free will help with many fronts, class mobility is one of them. I respectfully disagree. College helps the third generation of the poor move from middle to upper, poor to middle or at least lower middle happens with the second generation who's hard working parents can earn enough to get them thru high school.

I also have an issue with college becoming the defacto 13 to X grades. College meant good paying jobs because the degree had more value and way more importantly was meant for people passionate about a topic. Adults cant be forced to go to college and unpassionate people shouldnt be punished. You shouldnt have to have a college degree to work at a cublic farm. I have a sister with an English degree working as a hospital admin. Nothing she does pertaining to her job was learned in college, same for most people. How often does the average college grads degree relate to their job?

Which leads to the next point. College degrees are not some litmus test for abilty and intelligence. It should certainly mean something, and 100% should help get a job. It should not however be the starting point for white collar jobs.

All of these factors increase college prices, we can and should lower them. Perhaps instead of getting the government to pay we should attack corporations and businesses. Sometimes the answer to inflation is not quantitative easing but tightening to carry on a metaphor.

Again this is not an attack on college but companies and i think as the majority of activists ive seen have been college educated perhaps they are overlooking those who are not for whatever ressons.

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