
Upper management playing the “do we really need this position?” game… ironically we are in the entertainment industry

I have a direct report who was hired on as a contractor (before I was hired). Just overall an amazing person and one of the most passionate, reliable and genuinely nice people I have ever met. The company has promised that person an FTE position for 9 months now. When I joined that team the company even made it my goal to convert the person to FTE. Well, the contract is supposed to expire in two weeks one week after a major project comes to an end. I’ve provided data of our workload, roi, all the other bs upper management needs, reasons why this position can’t be eliminated, collected feedback from our internal stakeholders that this person is needed! Nothing… they are just dragging that person on, giving hope making empty promises. At first they wanted to renew the contract, which they legally can’t and won’t because of that. I…

I have a direct report who was hired on as a contractor (before I was hired). Just overall an amazing person and one of the most passionate, reliable and genuinely nice people I have ever met. The company has promised that person an FTE position for 9 months now. When I joined that team the company even made it my goal to convert the person to FTE.

Well, the contract is supposed to expire in two weeks one week after a major project comes to an end. I’ve provided data of our workload, roi, all the other bs upper management needs, reasons why this position can’t be eliminated, collected feedback from our internal stakeholders that this person is needed! Nothing… they are just dragging that person on, giving hope making empty promises.

At first they wanted to renew the contract, which they legally can’t and won’t because of that. I even offered to be a contractor and my direct report could have my FTE position, and they could then hire me as an FTE again next year because it’s way easier to justify my headcount (I work in a very specialized field, and it would be really difficult to find a replacement for my position – it took the company 8 months to find me).

But noooo they won’t do that either!!! I’m so mad about all this! I am close to just walk out the door right before the launch and tell those people to eff off, and I know I’m not the only one!

Eff all these corporate places! They are nothing but sweat jobs. I thought one of the big Tech companies was bad to work for but these people even trump my last job.

Sorry…. Just needed to vent…. Thank you for listening!

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