
My Job Isnt Respecting My Hour Requests

I love this job, the people are nice and the dogs are great (pet hotel), but it's very demanding to my mental and physical health. I put in the request earlier on to only have three days a week, I very much value my personal time and need that time to recouperate each day. They recently scheduled me for five days, and then did it a second time for next week. I don't know how to handle this, it feels like they aren't listening when I say I NEED limited days due to my emotional and physical health. Separately, I find it odd that they only release the schedules the day before they are put into use. My old job released schedules two weeks ahead of time, is this normal?

I love this job, the people are nice and the dogs are great (pet hotel), but it's very demanding to my mental and physical health. I put in the request earlier on to only have three days a week, I very much value my personal time and need that time to recouperate each day. They recently scheduled me for five days, and then did it a second time for next week. I don't know how to handle this, it feels like they aren't listening when I say I NEED limited days due to my emotional and physical health.

Separately, I find it odd that they only release the schedules the day before they are put into use. My old job released schedules two weeks ahead of time, is this normal?

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