
Should I leave a 2 week notice?

So I am currently working at a job with a very disrespectful and unprofessional regional manager. I am the currently manager at this current business and I pretty much run every aspect of the business (sales, marketing, day to day, cleaning, maintenance, talent recruitment, scheduling etc) while the regional manager works from home and puts all responsibility on me so he can work on his side business. Basically one day he came in (he comes in maybe once every 1-2 months) and noticed some dust on the ground. We were short staffed that day and we were a bit behind on cleaning. He threatened to fire me essentially saying he could replace me whenever he wanted if I didn’t want to do my job. He said this to me in front of my staff and all the patrons of the facility. I basically just stood there and took it just…

So I am currently working at a job with a very disrespectful and unprofessional regional manager. I am the currently manager at this current business and I pretty much run every aspect of the business (sales, marketing, day to day, cleaning, maintenance, talent recruitment, scheduling etc) while the regional manager works from home and puts all responsibility on me so he can work on his side business.

Basically one day he came in (he comes in maybe once every 1-2 months) and noticed some dust on the ground. We were short staffed that day and we were a bit behind on cleaning. He threatened to fire me essentially saying he could replace me whenever he wanted if I didn’t want to do my job. He said this to me in front of my staff and all the patrons of the facility. I basically just stood there and took it just to end the conversation. Off and also later that day he contacted me to tell me that my staff had the best sales numbers for the quarter. All while he threatened to fire me 2 hours earlier.

Basically after that happened I began searching for new jobs and I recently accepted a new job with higher pay ($5/hour increase), benefits (current job had none), PTO (current job had none), and overall a seemingly more supportive team. My dilemma is that I want to just quit without giving a 2 weeks since my boss doesn’t have the decency to be respectful towards me but I also feel like I should take the high road and be professional. What should I do?

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