
A quick rant

So I currently work at a salon supplier chain and I have not even worked there for three months. Long story short, my boss started giving me some major red flags so I went and found another job. I put in my two weeks with my “last day” being August 31st. I was supposed to start my new job today as it is my day off from current job, but let my new boss know about the situation below and he was totally fine with me starting on the 1st instead of today, the 24th. I’m so glad I’m leaving this fucking current job which is an absolute hole. Now on to the situation. Yesterday whilst I was at work, my contact ripped in my eye. Unfortunately it is my last pair of contacts, my glasses are broken, and I’m waiting on my new contacts to come in and they…

So I currently work at a salon supplier chain and I have not even worked there for three months.

Long story short, my boss started giving me some major red flags so I went and found another job. I put in my two weeks with my “last day” being August 31st. I was supposed to start my new job today as it is my day off from current job, but let my new boss know about the situation below and he was totally fine with me starting on the 1st instead of today, the 24th. I’m so glad I’m leaving this fucking current job which is an absolute hole. Now on to the situation.

Yesterday whilst I was at work, my contact ripped in my eye. Unfortunately it is my last pair of contacts, my glasses are broken, and I’m waiting on my new contacts to come in and they should be here between the 27th-30th.

Now, I have some pretty gnarly lack of eyesight and my current job requires to be on computers, reading products to customers etc. so I got on the phone with the store coordinator to let her know that I will not be able to work for around 3-4 days depending on when my contacts show up.

She tried to ask if I could just come in anyways and “just help customers on the floor and not be on the computer” and I told her no, because you know what? I literally can not see, I get major headaches and I’ve already put in my two weeks so honestly, who fucking cares? I also take transit across the city for this job and honestly, not exactly on my list of things I want to do when I can’t see shit. She sounded annoyed and I really couldn’t care less if you want to know the truth.

If any of you care, my one eye is +6.75 and my other is +5.50 with astigmatism of +3.00 in one eye and +4.00 in the other. So I really can’t see and my eyes are constantly straining to do so. Anyways, back to the story here.

I get sent home early yesterday because what is the point if I can not see? Nice, that’s great. Today I get a text from my coworker telling me said coordinator needs me to fill out an “absentee form” for her and that she will be emailing it to me.

Okay, honest to god I’m ready to just say, you know what? Let store coordinator know that I just won’t be coming in for my remaining days since this is ridiculous. I don’t know the exact day my contacts will be coming in and I’ve already put in my two weeks. Why exactly do I need to fill out an “absentee form” when I’m going to be gone by the 31st anyways? Fuck off.

I’m so glad I put in my two weeks to this place and that I’ll be gone soon. If anyone has any questions I’d be happy to answer them and I’d also be happy to hear any advice or input about what I should do in such a situation. I’m open to anything.

I’m just so fucking annoyed right now. Thanks for reading my little rant. 🙂

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