
How can we have a labor reform from reddit, when reddit wants free labor?

Before jumping into any conclusions, please read the post carefully. I use reddit as a hobby, to my fortune (or misfortune?) my job has a lot of down times and if I, for example, finish my job in 4 hours the contract says I have to stay 8 hours in front of the computer, so in those downtimes I use reddit. No big deal. Some time ago I found a memes sub, I thought it was funny and joined the sub, and since then it has been an escape valve from the stress at work Eventually I was offered to be a moderator and I accepted, it was a lot of fun but little by little the mod queue increased, bots came to spam like hell, and people who just came to post lots of retrograde ideas, which meant a lot of work. And I did it without complaining because…

Before jumping into any conclusions, please read the post carefully.

I use reddit as a hobby, to my fortune (or misfortune?) my job has a lot of down times and if I, for example, finish my job in 4 hours the contract says I have to stay 8 hours in front of the computer, so in those downtimes I use reddit. No big deal.

Some time ago I found a memes sub, I thought it was funny and joined the sub, and since then it has been an escape valve from the stress at work

Eventually I was offered to be a moderator and I accepted, it was a lot of fun but little by little the mod queue increased, bots came to spam like hell, and people who just came to post lots of retrograde ideas, which meant a lot of work.

And I did it without complaining because I love the community and there are users with whom I have fun exchanging a comment or two, and all that allowed me to better manage my stress levels. I was a happy camper!

Now, recently Reddit is demanding me to be a more active moderator, to filter more content, to clean the moderation queue every day, to look for more moderators, and to be a proactive mod, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

This is RIDICULOUS AND TIME CONSUMING! Many mods have quit because they have problems at work or need to spend some time with their families, looking for more people to do free work seems to me like an insult.

Somewhere along the line my hobby became a demanding, consuming, and unpaid job. Reddit is abusing our commitment and it needs to be pointed out!

What bothers me the most is this note: Reddit moderators do $3.4 million worth of unpaid work each year

On a final note, I wish good luck to all my fellow moderators who still decide to continue doing free labor, I won't keep working for free for reddit.

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