
I hate that my schedule can be changed at any time

I finally had a Friday/Saturday off! I made plans and was feeling really good about finally having some leisure time. I made these plans on MONDAY the day AFTER i got my schedule for the week. Thursday NIGHT rolls around and i just showed up for my shift that night when my boss tells me (out of the blue with ZERO warning) that I'll be working Saturday night and that he really needed me. At first i said no and that I made plans already. “I already changed the schedule just now so now you HAVE to come in otherwise HR is going to be upset. I REALLY need you because no one else is capable” (which is a lie). He said this in front of other people (customers and the GM) and i felt so embarrassed and just said okay. I was told it was for 2 hours only…

I finally had a Friday/Saturday off! I made plans and was feeling really good about finally having some leisure time.
I made these plans on MONDAY the day AFTER i got my schedule for the week. Thursday NIGHT rolls around and i just showed up for my shift that night when my boss tells me (out of the blue with ZERO warning) that I'll be working Saturday night and that he really needed me. At first i said no and that I made plans already.
“I already changed the schedule just now so now you HAVE to come in otherwise HR is going to be upset. I REALLY need you because no one else is capable” (which is a lie).
He said this in front of other people (customers and the GM) and i felt so embarrassed and just said okay. I was told it was for 2 hours only so i thought it wouldn't be that bad. I was SO wrong. The whole reason i was coming in, on my DAY OFF, called and said he no longer wanted the job. (I was going to train him).
I asked my boss if that meant i had my Saturday back and he said, “no because now that you're scheduled i can go home early tonight.” The new guy and me were NOT planned on the schedule to begin with. Meaning, he could of left early regardless. I told him as much and he just shrugged at me! I'm so livid at this. First you take my day off then tell me it was for 2 hours only THEN now I'm closing the place on my day off so YOU can go home early?! This entire week I've been at our place of business working my ass off and doing three people's jobs, running the place, and you work a few hours and you, YOU get to go home early????
I'm so angry at this. But if i left I'll get fired. How is this fair?

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