
Keep up the fight!

Hey Antiwork members! Been following for a while now, I'm from France. I'm gutted by how things work in the US, but I don't know if you're fully aware of that, big american companies, wether it's industry, services, GAFAM of whatever, have been pushing to export their management methods for decades, and have been eroding our social structures in Europe, by pressuring governments. Depending on which country you live in, differences can be huge, but they're all pointing to the same direction, and we all have to fight. I admire your fight in the US, because the system is much more punitive there, and you take much more risks, but it needs to be done, for yourselves, for your bosses, and for economic deciders, that need to understand that exploitation of labor will eventually bring them down.

Hey Antiwork members!

Been following for a while now, I'm from France.
I'm gutted by how things work in the US, but I don't know if you're fully aware of that, big american companies, wether it's industry, services, GAFAM of whatever, have been pushing to export their management methods for decades, and have been eroding our social structures in Europe, by pressuring governments.

Depending on which country you live in, differences can be huge, but they're all pointing to the same direction, and we all have to fight.

I admire your fight in the US, because the system is much more punitive there, and you take much more risks, but it needs to be done, for yourselves, for your bosses, and for economic deciders, that need to understand that exploitation of labor will eventually bring them down.

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